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Measures That Can Prevent Negligent Security Harm or Injuries Atlanta, GA
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Measures That Can Prevent Negligent Security Harm or Injuries

A security camera installed on the all of a residential building.

In many cases, owners or landlords are liable for the safety of visitors and tenants. If reasonable security precautions are not in place, criminals may take advantage. This can lead to individuals suffering harm on the premises. Although security precautions are put in place to discourage criminal activity, they serve another purpose. Trips and falls…

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Was Your Stroke Caused by a Chiropractic Adjustment?

Chiropractor Adjustment

A chiropractic adjustment may relieve back or neck pain as well as headaches, shoulder pain and more caused by injuries, illness or stress. Chiropractors work to help your body function better by finding a more natural alignment. However, just as with any other medical treatment, risks are involved. This is especially true if your chiropractor…

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Examples of Historical Medical Product Injuries

Medical Malpractice Atlanta GA

Medical products and drugs are often recalled due to patients suffering injuries or other types of harm. However, that doesn’t mean the general public is necessarily made aware of the issue. The manufacturers of these products may take great strides to limit bad publicity. There have also been instances throughout history where medical products caused…

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Severe Infection After a Dental Procedure? It Could Be Dental Malpractice

Dental Pain and Inflammation

Dental malpractice is similar to medical malpractice in that your provider failed to do something or did something wrong that resulted in injury. While there are many reasons for dental malpractice, one of the most common is infection. There are typically two ways in which infection can lead to malpractice. Undiagnosed or Poorly Treated Infection…

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Jokes About Driving Safety that Give Applicable Lessons

Car Accident Attorney Atlanta GA

There are jokes about driving that make people laugh because they are relatable. However, have you ever wondered why drivers share these comedic connections? Perhaps there is more to seemingly strange road habits that you may think. Turning Radio Volume Down to See Better Most people enjoy listening to music or other audio stimulus while…

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Your Slip and Fall Accident May Not Be Your Fault

Man on Floor Atlanta GA

Wet and wintry weather brings a serious risk of slip and fall accidents. These types of incidents are often written off as clumsiness by the person who fell and are treated as trivial. The truth is, they cause countless injuries every year, some of which are fatal. If you are injured in a slip and…

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Distracted Driving May Increase During the Holiday Season

Modern car accident involving two cars on the road

Distracted driving is commonly associated with taking phone calls or texting. Anybody can fall into the trap of taking eyes off the road to look at a cell phone. However, there are certain times of the year when taking these risks may increase. A driver who is distracted, even for a few seconds, may end…

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Have You Been a Victim of Medical Malpractice?

Surgery Errors

Your health and well-being are your most powerful assets. It is important to be conscientious with maintaining a good physical condition. If you are ill or injured, it is natural to seek out the services of a medical professional as soon as possible. The relationship between doctor and patient requires an exorbitant level of trust.…

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How Your Pre-Existing Medical Condition Can Affect Your Personal Injury Claim

Patient in Hospital

If you suffer an injury from a car accident or someone’s negligence, you may be able to bring a personal injury claim against the person at fault. Filing and winning a personal injury claim can be a difficult process. Insurance companies often look for ways to avoid paying or reducing compensation amounts. If you have…

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Have You Been Injured on Business or Public Premises?

Injured Person With Medical Worker

Owning a business or managing public property comes with certain responsibilities. Liability becomes an issue for many reasons, including any avoidable situation that could cause harm to invited visitors or guests. As a patron of a business or a visitor to public premises, the expectation of safety is a right. Unsafe conditions are a matter…

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Do You Have a Case?

Call Daniel Moriarty Now to Discuss Your Injuries and Whether or Not You Have a Case.
(404) 600-1794

865 Greenwood Ave.
Atlanta, GA, 30306